Who Could It Be? Efren Reyes Unveils His One Pocket Idol in a Shocking Revelation!


Efren Reyes, widely regarded as one of the greatest pool players of all time, has long been a source of inspiration for billiards enthusiasts around the world. Known as "The Magician" for his incredible skill and seemingly impossible shots, Reyes has had an illustrious career that spans several decades.

His mastery of the game, particularly in the discipline of One Pocket, has earned him a legendary status in the pool community. However, despite his fame and the admiration of millions, there has always been a lingering question: who does Efren Reyes look up to?

In a shocking revelation, Reyes recently unveiled his One Pocket idol, a figure who has greatly influenced his own approach to the game.

This unexpected disclosure has sent ripples through the billiards world, prompting a reevaluation of the lineage of great players and the impact of mentorship in the sport.

Reyes's announcement came during an exclusive interview conducted at the annual Derby City Classic, one of the most prestigious pool tournaments in the world.


The setting was perfect for such a revelation, surrounded by the very essence of the sport that has defined Reyes's life. As he sat down with the interviewer, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation.

Fans and fellow players alike were eager to learn more about the enigmatic figure who had shaped the career of their beloved "Magician."

The interview began with a discussion of Reyes's early years, growing up in the Philippines. He recounted his humble beginnings, playing on makeshift tables and using improvised equipment. Despite these challenges, Reyes's natural talent and dedication quickly became apparent.

He spoke fondly of the early days, reminiscing about the countless hours he spent honing his skills and the support he received from his family and community. It was during this period, Reyes revealed, that he first encountered the player who would become his One Pocket idol.

"Back then, there wasn't much access to professional pool matches or instructional materials," Reyes explained. "We learned by watching others and by playing as much as we could.

There was one player, though, who stood out to me. His name was hardly known outside of our region, but to me, he was a genius. His understanding of One Pocket was on a level I had never seen before."

Reyes's eyes lit up as he described this mysterious figure, whose identity he had kept secret for so long. The player, whom he referred to simply as "Manong" (an honorific term for an older man in Filipino), was a local legend in the Philippines.

Manong's strategic prowess and innovative techniques left a lasting impression on the young Reyes, who began to incorporate these elements into his own game. 

"Manong had this incredible ability to see the game in ways no one else could," Reyes continued. "He taught me the importance of patience, of thinking several moves ahead.

His creativity at the table was something I aspired to emulate. Watching him play was like watching a master painter at work. Every shot was calculated, every move had a purpose. It was mesmerizing."

As Reyes shared more about Manong, it became clear that this player's influence went beyond mere technique. Manong's approach to the game was deeply philosophical, emphasizing the mental and emotional aspects of pool as much as the physical.

He instilled in Reyes the value of discipline, humility, and respect for the game, principles that would guide Reyes throughout his career.

"Manong always said that the true battle in One Pocket is fought in the mind," Reyes recalled. "He believed that understanding your opponent, staying calm under pressure, and being able to adapt were the keys to success. These lessons were invaluable to me, not just in pool, but in life."

The revelation of Manong's influence on Reyes's career was met with a mix of surprise and admiration from the pool community.

Many had assumed that Reyes's idols would be well-known figures in the sport, players whose names were synonymous with greatness.

The fact that Reyes's inspiration came from a relatively unknown local player highlighted the profound impact that mentorship and personal connections can have, regardless of fame or recognition.

Following the interview, there was a surge of interest in learning more about Manong and his contributions to the game of One Pocket. Local pool historians and enthusiasts in the Philippines began to dig deeper into his story, uncovering anecdotes and memories from those who had witnessed his skill firsthand.

It became apparent that Manong's legacy, though not widely known, was deeply cherished by those who had the privilege of seeing him play.

Reyes's disclosure also sparked a renewed appreciation for the art of One Pocket, a discipline that often takes a backseat to more fast-paced forms of pool like Nine Ball or Eight Ball.

One Pocket, with its emphasis on strategy, precision, and psychological warfare, is a game that rewards creativity and deep thinking.

Reyes's admiration for Manong underscored the beauty and complexity of this discipline, encouraging a new generation of players to explore its nuances.

In the days and weeks following the interview, Reyes received an outpouring of support and gratitude from fans around the world.

Many thanked him for sharing this personal and inspiring story, while others expressed their own experiences of mentorship and the importance of unsung heroes in their lives.

The billiards community, always close-knit, felt even more connected through this shared recognition of the value of guidance and inspiration.

Reyes himself was moved by the response. "I never expected such a reaction," he admitted in a follow-up interview. "I'm just happy that people are remembering Manong and appreciating what he brought to the game.

He may not have been famous, but his impact was profound. I hope his story encourages others to look for the hidden gems in their own communities, to find inspiration in unexpected places."

The story of Manong and his influence on Efren Reyes serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of mentorship and the often-overlooked figures who shape our lives. It also highlights the timeless and universal nature of the lessons learned through sports and competition.

Whether on a makeshift pool table in the Philippines or on the grand stage of the Derby City Classic, the principles of dedication, creativity, and respect remain constant.

As Reyes continues to compete and inspire future generations of pool players, the legacy of Manong lives on through him.

Their story is a testament to the enduring power of mentorship and the ways in which a single individual's passion and knowledge can resonate across time and distance. In revealing his One Pocket idol, Reyes has not only honored the memory of a great player but also reminded us all of the profound impact that one person can have on the world.