From the first look, it is easy to see Efren Reyes's confidence and perfect control in every shot. His gaze is always focused and never strays far from the target. His hands move with great dexterity and precision, turning each stroke into a work of art. I was fortunate enough to watch and feel the elasticity and power of each of his shots, but the most important thing was the way he always maintained perfect control of the billiard position after each shot.

Positional control is extremely important in billiards, and Efren Reyes is truly a master at demonstrating this. Not only does he place the billiards in the ideal position for his next shot, but he also puts pressure on his opponents by making it difficult for them to find their next shot. Each of his shots is not only to score points but also to control the table and gain tactical advantage.


To better understand Efren Reyes' technique and tactics, we need to look at how he adjusts his power and angle to achieve perfect position. In every match, he knows how to take advantage of every ability to shape billiards according to his wishes. Sometimes, he chooses to hit a powerful shot to move multiple billiards at once, creating a great opportunity for his next shot. Other times, he chooses to hit a soft and precise shot to keep the billiards close to an ideal angle, or even to put the billiards in a solid position for his opponent's next shot. according to.

One of the special things about Efren Reyes' control is his ability to adapt to any situation. Even when faced with a difficult or unexpected situation, he is always able to find the best solution to continue controlling the match. This requires a great deal of flexibility in the way he plays and his decisions, and Efren Reyes is one of the most talented billiards players in displaying this flexibility.

In addition to positional control and adaptability, another element that Efren Reyes brings to the game is confidence and athleticism. Not only did he play billiards with absolute confidence in his abilities, but he also played with a high level of sportsmanship, respecting his opponents and his responsibility in the game. This creates a positive and stimulating environment for everyone around, motivating them to reach their best mental state and give their best shots.

In a match where Efren Reyes gives you the correct position, it is not only important that the cue ball is in the right position but also how you use it. You may find yourself in the perfect position, but if you cannot exploit it effectively, your control of the match will be diminished. This highlights the importance of combining technique and tactics, and how to use perfect positioning to create chances and pressure on opponents.

When Efren Reyes offers you the perfect position, it's not just an opportunity to score points but also an opportunity to learn and grow. By observing how he adjusts and controls each of his shots, you can learn a lot about technique, tactics and sportsmanship. It is important not only to recognize the perfect position, but also to know how to use it to achieve your goals in the game.

The experience of witnessing the perfection in how Efren Reyes shapes billiards is an unforgettable experience for any billiards player. His positional control, adaptability and athleticism are things we can learn from and apply to our own game. And when you are gifted with the perfect position, remember that it's not just about scoring points but also about how you use it to gain control and success in your match.