Very Confident CHAMPION Thinks He Can Giv (2e EFREN REYES Nightmares (203)


Legendary chess player with endless championship titles, that is the meaning of the word "Champion" - champion. 

And it's no surprise that a champion player confidently believes he can make even the "God of Billiards" Efren Reyes feel haunted.

What this confident "Champion" is talking about is Joshua Filler - one of the outstanding young talents in the world of billiards.

With a strong fighting spirit and extremely delicate adjustment techniques, Filler has proven his bravery through impressive victories.

Perhaps, Filler's confidence that he can defeat Efren Reyes is not silly. Because in the world of billiards, confidence and determination are also indispensable factors.

Especially when facing a legend like Reyes, being confident in your own abilities is very important.

However, to make "The God of Billiards" Reyes feel haunted, Filler needs to prepare better than ever. Not only about technique and fighting psychology, but also about patience and control in each shot.

Because when facing an experienced player like Reyes, any small mistake can become an opportunity for the opponent.

Filler also needs to clearly understand that making Efren Reyes feel haunted is not easy. This legend has spent decades in billiards, and there are very few people who can haunt him.

However, with his fighting spirit and determination, Filler is completely capable of doing that.


Before entering the confrontation with Efren Reyes, Joshua Filler needs to prepare as best as possible. He needs to practice technique, practice psychology and practice patience. And most of all, he needs to believe in his abilities.

But no matter what the final result will be, the fact that Joshua Filler is confident that he can make Efren Reyes feel haunted has proven that this guy is not a "Champion" just by title but also by fighting spirit. fight and determination. Good luck to Joshua Filler in the upcoming confrontation!