They Think "Inferior!" During the match, 2X World Champion Na Pambata of the Netherlands was shocked and surprised by Efren Bata's miraculous shots!


As the lights dimmed and the audience settled in their seats, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Niels Feijen, known for his precision and strategic prowess, exuded confidence.

He had faced many formidable opponents, but this match against Reyes seemed to be just another opportunity to showcase his superior skills. The crowd buzzed with excitement, eager to witness a clash of titans.

The match commenced with Niels Feijen taking the lead. His opening shots were calculated and precise, earning him the early advantage. Reyes, on the other hand, appeared calm and collected, his eyes scanning the table with the keen observation of a seasoned master.

The initial rounds saw a fierce exchange of tactical play, with both players demonstrating why they were among the elite in the world of billiards.

It was in the fourth frame that the true essence of Reyes' genius began to shine through. Niels Feijen had just executed a brilliant shot, leaving Reyes with a seemingly impossible layout.


The balls were scattered in a manner that even the most optimistic of players would find daunting. However, what happened next would etch itself into the annals of billiards history.

Reyes approached the table with a casual demeanor that belied the complexity of the situation. He studied the table briefly, chalked his cue, and with a measured stroke, sent the cue ball on a journey that defied conventional physics.

The audience watched in stunned silence as the cue ball weaved through the maze of colored spheres, executing a perfect series of caroms and cushions. With a final, gentle nudge, it tapped the target ball into the pocket.

The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers echoing through the hall. Niels Feijen, who had been preparing for his next turn, stood frozen, his expression a mix of disbelief and admiration. He knew he had witnessed something extraordinary, a shot that transcended mere skill and entered the realm of magic.

The match continued, but the psychological shift was palpable. Reyes' miraculous shot had not only equalized the score but had also sown a seed of doubt in Niels Feijen's mind.

The Dutch champion, known for his mental fortitude, found himself second-guessing his strategies and overanalyzing his moves. Reyes, sensing the shift, capitalized on this advantage, playing with a fluidity and creativity that left his opponent struggling to keep up.

In the seventh frame, another moment of brilliance solidified Reyes' dominance. Niels Feijen had left Reyes with a safety shot, a tactical maneuver intended to limit Reyes' options.

Yet, Reyes saw an opportunity where others saw a deadlock. He lined up his shot, and with an almost nonchalant flick of his wrist, executed a double-bank shot that sent the cue ball rebounding off two cushions before sinking the target ball. The crowd gasped, and a murmur of astonishment rippled through the spectators.

Niels Feijen's shock was evident. He had prepared meticulously for this match, studying Reyes' playstyle and devising counter-strategies. But how does one prepare for the unpredictable, for the kind of ingenuity that Reyes brought to the table?

Each of Reyes' shots seemed to defy logic, a testament to his deep understanding of the game's geometry and physics.

As the match progressed, Reyes continued to dazzle the audience and bewilder his opponent with a series of complex shots that showcased his unrivaled control and vision.

Niels Feijen fought valiantly, his determination evident in every stroke, but the momentum had irreversibly shifted in Reyes' favor. The Filipino maestro was in his element, playing not just to win, but to create a symphony of skill and creativity.

In the penultimate frame, with the score tantalizingly close, Reyes delivered what many would later call the shot of the century. Faced with a nearly impossible layout, he executed a jump shot that saw the cue ball leap over an obstructing ball, spin off three cushions, and gently caress the target ball into the corner pocket. The crowd's reaction was deafening, a mixture of disbelief and sheer admiration for the genius at work.

Niels Feijen could only shake his head in wonder. He had faced many great players, but none like Reyes. The match ended with Reyes emerging victorious, a triumph not just of skill but of artistry.

The Dutch champion, gracious in defeat, approached Reyes and shook his hand, acknowledging the masterclass he had just witnessed.

The match between Efren "Bata" Reyes and Niels Feijen of the Netherlands would be remembered as a defining moment in the world of billiards.

It was a demonstration of how raw talent, when combined with creativity and an unyielding spirit, could produce moments of magic that transcend the sport itself. Reyes had not just won a match; he had etched his name deeper into the legends of the game, reminding everyone why he was called the magician.

For Niels Feijen, the match was a humbling experience, a reminder that even the best can be left in awe of true genius. It was a testament to the unpredictability of billiards, where strategy and skill could be upended by moments of sheer brilliance.

The Dutch champion would go on to achieve more in his career, but the lessons learned from that day would stay with him, shaping his approach and deepening his respect for the game and its masters.

In the end, it was a celebration of billiards at its finest, a reminder of why fans flock to see these maestros in action. Efren "Bata" Reyes, with his miraculous shots and indomitable spirit, had once again proven that in the world of billiards, magic is real, and its greatest practitioner hails from the Philippines.