Reyes' Magical Run Ends Abruptly! 3x European Champion Stumbles in Stunning Upset! (203)


Reyes' Magical Run Ends Abruptly! 3x European Champion Stumbles in Stunning Upset!

In the world of billiards, there are names that stand out, pillars that prove excellence and skill in the field of this game. 

And in today's generation, one of the names that will always be mentioned is the name of Efren "Bata" Reyes. Born in 1954 in Pampanga, Philippines, Efren is not just a billiards player; he is a legend in the field of billiards.

At his 60-year-old age, it seems that Efren Reyes' wrist and leg skills have not faded.

This is a fact that he has proven in many matches, including his impressive performance in the SEA Games 2023, where despite his age, he still continues to play and win.

But, despite all the success and talent of Efren Reyes, there are still challenges and battles that need to be faced. And one of Efren's most memorable fights was when he faced Dennis Grabe of Estonia in the year 2014.

With the meeting of two strong players, many are looking forward and waiting for what will be the result of the match.


Dennis Grabe, also known for his skills in the field of billiards, is a great player with a unique strategy and skill in every turn. But on the other hand, there is Efren Reyes, the veteran and rich experience in this game.

This battle is not just about the calculation of skill and skill in billiards. It is also about showing determination, perseverance, and love for the game of billiards.

It is a battle of experience and youth, but above all, it is a proof that age is not a barrier to achieve success and excellence.

Right from the beginning of the match, Efren Reyes immediately showed his skill and efficiency by showing good moves and strategies. 

But Dennis Grabe doesn't give up either, who also has his preparations and ammunition ready for the fight.