Magician Efren Bata Reyes once again proved that age is just a number and a magician is always a magician.. Germany's rising star and billiard hustler can't believe what Efren Bata did!


The crowd buzzed with excitement as the announcement was made. The air in the packed billiard hall was electrifying, with fans of all ages eagerly waiting to witness a match that promised to be an unforgettable showdown between two very different generations of pool players.

On one side of the table stood the legendary Filipino pool player, Efren "Bata" Reyes, known to the world simply as "The Magician." At 69 years old, many believed his best days were behind him, but those who knew him well understood that his unparalleled skill and intuition on the pool table were ageless.

On the other side was Germany’s rising star, a young hustler with a reputation for taking down seasoned players, confident that this match would be his defining moment.

For the German prodigy, the stage was set. He had climbed the ranks quickly in the European circuit, earning respect for his aggressive playstyle and sharp focus. But this was different. This wasn’t just any opponent.

This was Efren Reyes, the man whose name had become synonymous with pool excellence. To play against Reyes was to test oneself against the very best, but the young German entered the match with a bold sense of optimism. Perhaps it was the arrogance of youth or the belief that the legendary magician, now older, had slowed down.

As the players approached the table, the stark contrast between them was clear. The German player was in his early 20s, with youthful energy, sleek in appearance, and brimming with confidence.


His eyes betrayed a slight disdain, an attitude that suggested he thought this would be an easy win. In contrast, Reyes, with his relaxed demeanor, smiled politely as he nodded to the audience.

There was a humility in his posture, a quiet wisdom in the way he held his cue, but there was also a flicker of something deeper – the kind of confidence that comes from decades of mastery.

The opening break was a powerful one by the German, sending balls scattering across the table, with two dropping into the pockets. It was an impressive start, one that had many in the audience murmuring in approval. The young hustler walked around the table with purpose, carefully analyzing his next move. His style was sharp, methodical, and every shot was executed with precision. Within moments, he had cleared half the table, pocketing balls in quick succession. It seemed like the game was going his way, and the crowd couldn’t help but be impressed by his speed and focus.

But then, something shifted.

As the German prepared for his next shot, a subtle, almost imperceptible smile crossed Reyes' face. It was as if the magician had seen something in the layout of the table that no one else had noticed.

The young player, consumed by his rapid progress, had overlooked a key element in his eagerness to finish the game. With one miscalculated shot, the cue ball veered slightly off course, hitting the cushion and leaving the young hustler without a clear follow-up.

The table was now open for Reyes.

And this was where the magic truly began.

With a quiet focus, Reyes stepped up to the table. His movements were slow, deliberate, almost meditative. He surveyed the balls, his eyes calculating angles and trajectories in a way that seemed almost supernatural. To the untrained eye, the table looked difficult – even impossible – but to Reyes, it was a canvas waiting to be painted with his next masterpiece.

The first shot was a simple one, a gentle nudge to sink a striped ball into the corner pocket. But it was what followed that left the audience, and his opponent, in awe. With a delicate stroke, Reyes executed a stunning bank shot, sending the cue ball around the table to set up his next move perfectly.

The crowd gasped, and the young German’s face tightened. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. Reyes continued, moving from shot to shot with a fluidity that defied his age. He pulled off combinations and tricky angles with such ease that it seemed as if the laws of physics were bending to his will.

What truly stunned the audience, however, was not just the precision of Reyes' shots, but the creativity with which he played. Where most players saw limited options, Reyes saw infinite possibilities.

At one point, faced with a seemingly impossible position where the cue ball was blocked by two other balls, Reyes effortlessly pulled off a jump shot that sent the cue ball soaring over the obstacle, landing precisely where he needed it to be to pocket the next ball.

The crowd erupted into applause, and even the young German could not help but shake his head in disbelief. This was the kind of shot that had earned Reyes his nickname – "The Magician." It was more than just skill; it was artistry. Each shot was a calculated risk, a feat of geometry and intuition that only a lifetime of experience could produce. And Reyes, with his calm and steady demeanor, made it look easy.

As the match progressed, the young hustler’s confidence began to wane. Every time he thought he had a chance to regain control of the table, Reyes would pull off another magical shot, keeping the momentum firmly in his favor.

The German, who had entered the match with the belief that age would be his advantage, now found himself scrambling, his nerves fraying with each passing minute. It was a stark lesson in humility, one that many before him had learned when facing Reyes. Age, it seemed, was irrelevant when you possessed the kind of genius that Reyes did.

In the final moments of the match, Reyes found himself with a difficult layout, the kind that would have stumped most players. But with a twinkle in his eye and a small smirk, Reyes performed one last act of magic.

With a combination of spin and precision, he executed a shot so improbable that the crowd erupted into a standing ovation. The cue ball weaved through the remaining obstacles on the table as if guided by an unseen hand, pocketing the final ball with grace.

It was over.

The young German stood there, his cue still in hand, staring at the table in disbelief. He had played well, better than most, but it hadn’t been enough. Not against Reyes. The magician had once again proven that his mastery of the game transcended time, that no amount of youth or ambition could stand against his decades of wisdom and skill.

Reyes, ever humble, approached his opponent and extended his hand. The young hustler, still in shock, shook it, managing a respectful nod. For him, it had been a lesson in what true greatness looked like.

For the audience, it had been a reminder that legends are not bound by age, but by their ability to continue to amaze, to inspire, and to perform feats that defy explanation.

As Reyes left the table, the cheers and applause echoed throughout the hall. He had once again shown the world why he was called "The Magician." Even in the twilight of his career, his brilliance shone as brightly as ever.

For the German prodigy, it was a humbling experience, but one he would carry with him as a badge of honor – after all, how many players could say they had faced off against a living legend and witnessed magic firsthand?

In the end, Efren "Bata" Reyes had done what he always did – he left the world in awe, proving once again that age is just a number, and that a magician is always a magician.