3 legendary Z-Shots that shook the Billiards world: Reyes Overcame It All!


In the world of billiards, few shots are as legendary and iconic as the Z-Shot. This intricate and high-risk move, which involves the cue ball zigzagging across the table to pot a target ball, has been a testament to the precision, skill, and creativity of the players who can master it.

Among those who have made this shot famous, one name stands out above the rest: Efren "Bata" Reyes. Known as "The Magician," Reyes has a unique ability to pull off the seemingly impossible with grace and ease.

His mastery of the Z-Shot has not only won him countless matches but has also solidified his status as one of the greatest billiards players of all time.

This piece will recount three legendary Z-Shots that shook the billiards world, showcasing how Reyes overcame it all.


The First Z-Shot: The 1995 World Pool Championship

In the 1995 World Pool Championship, Reyes faced a formidable opponent in Earl "The Pearl" Strickland, a player known for his fierce competitive spirit and exceptional skill.

The match was intense, with both players displaying their best form. The score was tied, and the tension in the room was palpable. It was in this high-stakes moment that Reyes executed his first legendary Z-Shot.

With the cue ball positioned awkwardly and the target ball blocked by multiple obstacles, most players would have opted for a defensive shot.

But not Reyes. He carefully assessed the table, visualizing the complex path the cue ball would need to take. With a precise and delicate stroke, he sent the cue ball on a zigzag journey, bouncing off multiple cushions before perfectly striking the target ball and sinking it into the pocket.

The crowd erupted in applause, and Strickland could only watch in astonishment. This shot not only secured Reyes a crucial point but also showcased his incredible skill and creativity, setting the stage for his eventual victory in the tournament.

The Second Z-Shot: The 2001 International Open

The 2001 International Open was another arena where Reyes's brilliance was on full display. In a match against Ralf Souquet, a highly respected player known for his strategic prowess, Reyes found himself in a challenging position.

The layout of the balls on the table was such that a direct shot was impossible, and a safety shot seemed inevitable. However, Reyes saw an opportunity to perform yet another Z-Shot.

As the audience held their breath, Reyes lined up his cue and struck the cue ball with a precise amount of force and spin.

The cue ball darted across the table, ricocheting off the cushions in a perfect zigzag pattern. Each contact with the cushion was calculated to maintain the exact angle needed to reach the target ball.

When the cue ball finally made contact with the target, sending it into the pocket, the room erupted in cheers. This moment was not just a testament to Reyes’s technical skill but also his ability to remain calm under pressure and think several steps ahead of his opponent.

The Third Z-Shot: The 2006 World Cup of Pool

Perhaps the most iconic Z-Shot in Reyes’s career occurred during the 2006 World Cup of Pool. Paired with Francisco Bustamante, Reyes faced off against the formidable duo of Rodney Morris and Earl Strickland.

The match was a true test of skill, and both teams were neck and neck throughout. In a critical game, with the score tied and only a few balls remaining on the table, Reyes found himself in an almost impossible situation.

The cue ball was trapped behind a cluster of balls, and the target ball was on the opposite side of the table. Many spectators thought the game was lost. But Reyes, with his unmatched vision and skill, saw the potential for a Z-Shot. He took his time, carefully calculating the angles and speed required.

When he finally took the shot, the cue ball zigzagged across the table with precision, avoiding all obstacles and striking the target ball into the pocket.

The crowd went wild, and even his opponents couldn't help but applaud the sheer brilliance of the shot.

This Z-Shot not only won the game but also clinched the title for Reyes and Bustamante, further cementing Reyes’s legacy as one of the greatest players in the history of billiards.

Efren "Bata" Reyes’s mastery of the Z-Shot is a testament to his extraordinary talent and dedication to the sport of billiards. These three legendary Z-Shots are more than just impressive feats of skill; they represent the pinnacle of what is possible in the game of pool.

Each shot required not only technical precision but also a deep understanding of the game and a creative approach to problem-solving. Reyes’s ability to execute these shots under immense pressure is what truly sets him apart from other players.

In the annals of billiards history, these Z-Shots will forever be remembered as moments of pure magic, where the impossible was made possible by a true master of the game.

Reyes’s legacy is built on such moments, and his influence on the sport will be felt for generations to come. For aspiring players and fans alike, these legendary Z-Shots serve as a reminder of the incredible heights that can be achieved through skill, creativity, and unwavering determination.