10 Minutes of Ronnie O'Sullivan Getting Angry.. .cute

10 Minutes of Ronnie O'Sullivan Getting Angry.. .cute

Ronnie O'Sullivan is known for his incredible talent on the snooker table, but he is also infamous for his fiery temper.

There have been numerous occasions when his frustration has boiled over, resulting in heated arguments, controversial comments, and even physical outbursts. Let's take a look at some of the moments when Ronnie O'Sullivan lost his cool.

One incident that stands out is when Ronnie missed an easy green and, unable to contain his annoyance, he threw the rest onto the floor. His frustration was palpable, and it was clear that he was absolutely enraged.

This outburst occurred at a crucial moment in a match, and it was a stark reminder of Ronnie's volatile temperament.

In another instance, during the Scottish Open, Ronnie notably skipped the customary handshake with the referee, citing germ worries.

He quickly extended an apology for this unintentional misstep, but it was clear that his aversion to germs had caused tension before the match even started.

There have been moments when Ronnie's frustration has led to physical outbursts. For example, after missing what seemed like a straightforward pink, he vented his frustration by giving the table a hefty punch.

This display of anger was a clear indication of how deeply Ronnie's emotions can affect his game.

In addition to physical outbursts, there have been instances of verbal clashes as well.

During a match with Mark Allen, Ronnie claimed that Mark was moving around during his turn, leading to a tense exchange between the two players. It was a clear indication of the fiery atmosphere that can surround Ronnie's matches.

Controversy has also arisen due to Ronnie's interactions with referees. On one occasion, amid a debate over the white's positioning,

Ronnie audaciously invited the referee to take the shot himself. This bold move added an element of tension to the match and highlighted Ronnie's willingness to challenge authority.

In another dramatic turn, Ronnie clashed with referee Olivier Marti during a face off against Jud Trump, assertively telling the referee, "you saw nothing." This exchange further underscored Ronnie's confrontational approach in high-pressure situations.

These incidents are just a few examples of the moments when Ronnie O'Sullivan's temper got the better of him. While his talent on the snooker table is undeniable, his volatile temperament has often overshadowed his achievements.

It remains to be seen how Ronnie will continue to manage his emotions in future matches, but one thing is for certain – when Ronnie O'Sullivan gets angry, it's impossible to ignore.